Actually we’ve been back for a few weeks now, but it’s been so crazy busy I haven’t had time to blog about it until now. My wife and I had talked about moving back up here for a few months but the idea became concrete when I received an offer from Calypso, my former employer. So here I am now, development manager for the FX and Treasury group. Simply put, I’m totally psyched!
As far as timing is concerned, it truly was impeccable. Within a month of my giving notice at Countrywide, the bad news started rolling in. I’m not too concerned for the team I worked with there, though, since they’re pretty well insulated from the layoffs. It’s a very small and solid team of IT professionals that are supporting the Calypso implementation for the whole organization. Countrywide Securities is actually one of the few subsidiaries that’s making serious money, and as they’re moving more and more financial products onto Calypso, I can’t imagine them getting rid of the IT team that keeps this all going!
We’re back in our house… You have no idea how happy we are!