Change is hard, but change is good. I’ve decided to move my blog to Bluehost and decided to change my WordPress Theme at the same time. I don’t know that I’ll post with more frequency but I want to try, if only for my own sake. I love to write and I’ve frankly taken little time to do so over the last decade. I suppose that comes with the territory when one becomes a father and I didn’t possibly want to miss a minute with my son. He’s ten and a half now, though, and is slowly becoming more and more independent. I ought to spend more time on things I enjoy as well.
SpringOne Platform 2016: Bootiful Microservices in a Legacy Environment: Lessons Learned
Twitter: DavidJulia
In a Microservices Architecture
Services are cheap and fast to deploy and change independently.
Spring Boot
Simple and cheap to spin up a new microservice!
Legacy Environment
An environment wherein many systems that are hard to change are in dire need of replacement or augmentation to meet business demands.
The importance of DDD in Legacy Environments
Domain-Driven Design is key! Lean on it!
Don’t couple your domain model to your legacy system’s models
You need to evolve to Microservices
Succession Patterns
- Strangler Application Pattern
- Characterization tests – a vice
What’s the plan?
- Identify behavior we need
- “Sprout” a new class to hold behavior we want
- Start moving behavior into that class
- Sprout a component (JAR)
Premature Extraction
- Extracting a Service too early can be costly
- It’s easier to refactor the system with an in-process component
- Only have to change things in one place
What did we just see
- Started with a ball of mud
- Identified/Extracted behavior into new classes
- Packaged classes as JAR
- Created a new service (strangler application)
- Did all of this safely and with high confidence
Simon Brown on Modular Monoliths
Working Effectively with Legacy Code
SpringOne Platform 2016: Testing with Spring 4.3, JUnit 5, and Beyond
Twitter: @sam_brannen
- Spring Events App
- Spring 4.3
- JUnit 5
- Spring 5
Spring Events App
The Spring Events App is a Spring boot powered web app using
Spring Boot 1.4, Spring Framework 5, JUnit 5.
- Simple PJO Domain model: Event
- Transactional service layer
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring MV
Odds & Ends
- JUnit 4.12+ required by the Spring TestContext framework (TCF)
- Support for Primary transaction managers and data sources in TCF
- @Sql and @Sqlgroup many now be used as meta-annotations:
- to create custom composed annotations with attribute overrides
- Same is true for many @Repeatable annotations in Core Spring
- ReflectionTestUtils automatically unwraps proxies when setting/getting a field
Extending the Spring TextContext Framework
- The getTestContext() method in TestContextManager is now public
- New ContextCustomizer and ContextCustomizerFactory SPIs
- Potentially replaces need for custom ContextLoader
- Customize ApplicationContext after bean definitions are loaded but before context is refreshed
- Registered globally by third parties via spring.factories mechanism
- Enables Spring Boot Test Magic
New Features
- SpringRunner alias for the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner
>> @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) - @ContextConfiguration can be completely omitted…
- if default XML or @Configuration is detected
- Spring Boot test 1.4 even locates your @SpringBootApplication class
- ApplicationContext cache is now bounded
Preparing for the Future
- Testing Traits
- Spring test annotations can be declared on interfaces
- Combines nicely with Java 8 default methods and JUnit 5
- Non-public @Transactional test methods: for use with JUnit 5 and TestNG
- Non-public @BeforeTransaction and @AfterTransaction methods
MockMvc Improvements
- Expectations on multi-value response headers: HeaderResultMatchers.stringValues(…)
- Form data equest content (e.g., from a POST) now parsed and used to populate request params
- Support for Custom HTTP verbs (e.g. WebDAV)
- Improve Cookie support for HtmlUnit integration
MockMvc – Assert invoked Handler Method
New mock-like methodCall() assertion in HandlerResultMatchers: Assert the @Controller method invoked to handle the response:
mockMvc.perform(get("/")) .andExpect(handler().methodCall( on(HomeController.class).showHomePage()));
MockMvc – JSON Prefixes
New support for stripping JSON prefixes from Responses. A prefix is used to prohibit JSON hijacking:
mockMvc.perform(get("/account/42").accept(APPLICATION_JSON)) .andExpect(jsonPath("$.pin") .prefix("&&enigma&&") ...
MockRestServiceServer Improvements
- Expectations for form data in the request body
- Specify expectation counts
- Pass ExpectedCount to the expect() method
- once(), manyTimes(), times(int), min(int), max(int), between(int, int)
- verify() and reset() afterwards
- Specify whether ordering should be ignored: invoke ignoreExpectOrder(true) on the MockResetServiceServerBuilder
JUnit 5: Impetus for Change
- JUnit 4.0 was released a decade ago
- Modularity -> big ball of mud (i.e., only THE junit.jar)
- Test Discovery and execution -> tightly coupled
- Extensibility -> lot of room for improvement
- Java 8 support
JUnit 4 Runner API
- Very Powerful
- You can do anything
- But you cannot combine Runners
- Parameterized + SpringJUnit4ClassRunner -> no way
JUnit 4… Rules… are meant to be broken
- JUnit 4.7: MethodRule -> @Rule
- JUnit 4.9: TestRule -> @Rule/@ClassRule
JUnit Lambda
- Initiated by Johannes Link and Marc Philipp
- Later joined by Matthias Merdes, Stefan Bechtold, and Sam Brannen
JUnit 5 – Roadmap
- Prototype – December 2015
- Alpha – February 2016
- M1 & M2 – July 2016
- M3, M4, RC1 – Fall 2016
- GA – End of 2016… maybe
JUnit 5 – In a Nutshell
- Modular
- Extensible
- Modern
- Forward & Backward Compatible
- JUnit Platform supports JUnit 3.8, 4 and 5
- New testing frameworks can be run with JUnit 4 infrastructure:
JUnit 5 = Platform + Jupiter + Vintage
- JUnit Platform 1.0.0
- Foundation for launching testing frameworks on the JVM
- Launcher and TestEngine APIs
- ConsoleLauncher, Gradle Plugin, Maven Surefire provider
- JUnit Jupiter 5.0.0: New programming model and extension model for JUnit 5
- JUnit Vintage 4.12.0: TestEngine for running old stuff
Launcher API
- Used by IDEs and build tools to launch the framework
- Central API for discovering and executing tests via one or more engines
- LauncherDiscoveryRequest: Selectors and filters
- Feedback provided via the TestExecutionListener API
TestEngine API
- aka, Runner in JUnit 4
- Test engine discovers and executes tests for a particular programming model
- Automatic registration via Java’s ServiceLoader mechanism
- JupiterTestEngine
- VintageTestEngine
- Implement your own…
Extension APIs
- BeforeAllCallback
- BeforeEachCallback
- BeforeTestExecutionCallback
- AfterTestExecutionCallback
- AfterEachCallback
- AfterAllCallback
- ContainerExecutionCondition & TestExecutionCondition
- TestInstancePostProcessor
- ParameterResolver
- TestExecutionExceptionHandler
JUnit 5 – Programming Model
- Annotations & Meta-annotations
- Assertions & Assumptions
- Custom Display Names
- Visibility
- Tagging
- Conditional Test Execution
- DI for Constructors and methods
- Lambda Expressions and method references
- Interface default methods
- Nested test classes
- Dynamic Tests
- @Test / @TestFactory
- @BeforeAll / @AfterAll
- @BeforeEach / @AfterEach
- @DisplayName
- @Tag
- @Disabled
- @Nested
- Limited set of core assertions
- assertThrows() and expectThrows()
- assertTimeout()
- assertAll()
SpringOne Platform 2016: Intro to Spring Boot
Twitter: @EdduMelendez
Spring Ecosystem: The Spring Framework
- Spring Social
- Spring Web Services
- Spring Integration
- Spring AMQP
- Spring Hatecas
- Spring Mobile
- Spring Security
- Spring Data
- Spring Batch
Spring Boot is not ingredients but the whole cake
XML Config > Java Config > Spring Boot Configuration
Why Spring Boot?
- Convention over Configuration
- Provide dependency Management
- Auto-configuration
- Starter Dependencies
- Actuator
or via the command line:
or using Spring CLI:
spring run appname
Defining properties in Spring:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix="conference") public class ConferenceProperties { ... }
In One Platform
conference.location=Aria Hotel, Las Vegas
Spring Actuator
Provides various health and configuration metrics about your Spring application.
- /health
- /metrics
- /env
Spring Boot Starter Security
Default username is ‘user’ and password is generated
Of course, can be configured:
@Configuration public class SecurityConfig extends GlobalAuthenticationConfigurerAdapter { @Override public void init(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception { auth.inMemoryAuthentication... } }
SpringOne Platform 2016: Testing Spring Boot Applications
Spring requires no-arg constructors, but there’s no reason that these have to be public: make them protected if it makes sense.
You need tests for:
- Domain Layer
- Service Layer
- Web Layer
Service Layer Testing
to test JSON format
to mock a dependency
Web Layer testing
Test class annotation:
private MockMvc mvc
SpringOne Platform 2016: Wall St. Derivative Risk Solutions Using Apache Geode
Speaker: Mike Stolz, Pivotal
White Paper:
GemFire is the commercial offering of Geode
- Input: Trades
- Input: Market Data
- Output: Risk
- Where the Magic Happens: Risk Calculations
- Geode is the backbone infrastructure
A Crash Course in Wall Street
- Big Wall Street firms have “FICC” trading business organized by market
- Each business will trade “cash” and derivative products, but traders specialize in one or the other
- There may be a team of traders working to trade a single product
- Trading systems are product specific and often highly specialized
- Managing these businesses requires a consolidated view of risk
Calculating Risk
- What is the “risk” that we are trying to measure?
- Markets are represented using curves
- Consistency is paramount
Technology Solutions that Work Badly
- The easiest thing to do is just book all your trades using one trading system
- How about booking all of the hedges into the primary trading system?
- How about adding up all of the risk from each trading system into a report
Designing and Naming Data Objects
- The trade data model serves 2 distinct purposes
- Market data should follow the calculation design
- Use “dot” notation to give business-friendly keys to object (i.e., USD.LIBOR.3M)
Region Design
- Trade and market data regions
- Typically a curve embeds a list for rates — leave it denormalized if rates are updated slowly
- Computational results and aggregation
- Regions: Rates, Trades, Curves, Built Curves, FX, Trade Risk, Risks, Agg
Placing Regions on the Cluster
- Region placement optimizes the solution’s performance
- Partition the trades regions to balance the cluster
- Partition or replicate market data to optimize computations
PDX Integration Glue
- PDX serialization is an effective cross-language bridge
- Structure PDX objects to optimize performance
- JSON is a good message format
Getting Trade Data into Geode
- Message formats vary by product type
- Broker messages in an application server
- Trade data capture is transactional: Best practive is to make end-to-end process a transaction, but may need to split into two legs based on source of messages
Getting Market Data into Geode
- Market data feeds have many proprietary formats
- Market data is often exceptionally fast moving
- Market data can also be very slow moving: i.e., LIBOR
- Conflate fast market data by sampling
- Gate market data into batches
Crunching Numbers on a Shared Grid
- Most trading firms have a proprietary math library
- Pushing Geode events to an external compute grid: Asynchronous Event Queue (AEQ)
- Caching locally on the grid to accelerate performance: Wildcards on keys
Crunching Numbers Inside Geode
- Running the math inside Geode is dramatically faster
- Using the Geode grid as a compute grid
- Using cache listeners to propagate valuation events
Ticking Risk Views
- Roll-your-own client applications to view ticking risk
- Integrating packaged products: ION Enterprise Risk, Armanta Theatre, Active Pivot…
- The Traders always want spreadsheets: Write an Excel plug-in
SpringOne Platform 2016: Building Applications with Angular JS and Spring Security
- Real quick intro to Spring Security, Spring Session, Angular JS
- Focus on features to build secure, modern, single-page applications
- High level view of sample apps presented in tutorial (from blog series)
- More Details look at some features of the apps
Most valuable links
Spring Security
- Generic Filter based solution for Servlet applications
- Authentication (a.k.a. identity) and Authorization (a.k.a. access decisions)
- OAuth2 module useful for SSO and token-based API authentication
- lots of other features
Angular JS
- Javascript Framework
- “Magic” binding (dependency injection and MVC)
- Has a lot of traction in the enterprise
- Nothing about the architecture of the apps presented here requires Angular JS
- Really basic usage in sample, but representative
Security Features in Modern Browsers
- HTTP Basic
- X.509 authentication
- Kerberos
- Kerberos
- Cookies
- CORS (Common Origin Resource Sharing)
- HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security
- CSP (Content Security Policy)
Sub-text: “use them, they’re reliable and free…”
Spring Session
- Not tied to Spring Security, but works well with it
- Easy, declarative, distributed sessions
- Redis works out of the box, other backends easy to add
- Servlet Filter
Add HTTP Basic Security
- Add spring-boot-starter-security dependency
- Set security.user.password=password to
- Add SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
- Suppress the Browser Dialog by adding X-Requested-With XmlHttpRequest in HTTP request
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Spring Security and Angular JS both have good support for CSRF protection
- HTTP Request Header: X-CSRF-TOKEN
- Use @CrossOrigin on your @RequestMapping and this: http.cors()
- Tip: there is also CorsUtils::isCorsRequest method you can use in a request matcher
TSSJS2011: How to Reap the Benefits of Agile-Based TDD
Agile based TDD sounds like a good session. As much as I keep wanting to move to TDD, I have a really difficult time doing so. Hopefully the more exposed I am to it, the easier it’ll become to actually use the methodology.
What is TDD?
Test-Driven Development is a software development process.
The TDD Process:
1. Write a failing test for the target behavior
2. Implement the behavior as simple as possible to get the test to pass
3. Refactor the implementation
TDD is a Design Activity
TDD treats Tests as VIP Artifacts: You need to treat your tests as first-class citizens
TDD is an “Agile” Practice:
1. Working software is the primary measure of progress
2. Continuous Attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility
3. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development
Types of Tests:
1. Unit Testing: Verification of Design
2. Acceptance Testing: Verification of Features
What is a Unit Test?
Exercises a small testable piece of software
Tests a specific object behavior in isolation
Assumes that external dependencies work according to their contracts
Defines the assumptions that can be made of the target unitHow is unit test independent of its dependencies? Mock Objects
Tools and Frameworks
Openpojo: a framework for validating that POJOs are adhering to a standard contract
Mockito: Mocking Framework – Declare dependencies with @org.mockito.Mock
The Benefits of TDD
Test-Driven Development improves Design
SOLID Design
* Single responsibility principle: Can do one thing really well, loosely coupled
* Open/close Principle: Encapsulation – What, not how?
* Liskov substitution principle: Contract first Design. Avoid inheritance unless “is a” …
* Interface Segregation Principle: Interface clients should only depend on methods they need
* Dependency Inversion Principle: Depend on Abstractions instead of mocking
TDD Follows Law of Demeter
TDD avoids Static Helper Classes: Procedural programming, not OO programming.
TDD Measures Progress, provides Documentation, and provides code coverage
How to Make it Work
* Flip Your Perspective – become a user, not a developer
* Always See Your Test Fail – make sure your tests have clear messages
* Listen to Your Tests – Urge to share test fixture state, setup, … => need to refactor
* Use an Interface Driven Approach
* Learn it well – TDD by Kent Beck
TDD Kata – Exercise in coding, refactoring and test-first, that you should apply daily for at least 15 minutes. -Roy Osherove
TSSJS2011: Do You Really Know Class Loaders?
public class A { public void do() { B b = new B(); } }
Instantiating Object B causes the following: A.class.getClassLoader().loadClass("B");
Problems & Solutions
1. Class Not Found
You build some code and get a NoClassDefFound exception when deploying and trying to run the servlet. How do we find out what the problem is?
Some solutions:
* IDE Class Lookup
* find *.jar -exec jar -tf ‘{}’ \; | grep MyClass
* URLClassLoader.getURLs()
2. Wrong Class Found
What if you get a NoSuchMethodError? What’s happening there? Well, the Class is found, but there’s something wrong with the class.
* Get ClassLoader().getResource(Util2.class.replace(‘.’,’/’) + “.class” to find out where the ClassLoader is getting the class. Then you can use javap -private Util2 to inspect the contents of the file.
3. More than One Class Found
That error will typically occur if 2 different ClassLoaders are used and find different classes for the same name. They are not the same.
Helpful: -verbose:class, as well as ClassLoader.getResource() to identify the different classes.
Leaking ClassLoaders
If a Class has a reference to its ClassLoader, that object has a reference to all of its classes. To leak a ClassLoader, it’s enough to leak just one object loaded by that ClassLoader.
Hierarchy is not enough?
* Isolation: Difference versions of the same library
* Performance: Class lookup is very slow
* Restricted: Why can’t siblings see each other’s classes?
* OSGI, JBoss, NetBeans and others implement a different system
Follow the speaker on Twitter: @ekabanov